Presenting: Pain Balm
Introducing my best seller, Pain Balm! I would love to tell you all about it and why it is so popular!
First, lets start with why I made it.
I was pregnant with baby #3 and had gotten my first bucket of Arnica Butter. (For those who don't know about Arnica I will explain in a bit) and I had 2 people in so much pain from various things and I simply just wanted to help them relieve it. (As you come to know me you will find that everything I have ever made was either to help a problem I had or that someone else had/has.)
So I created 2 different recipes and sent them around and this little guy was MAGIC. We were trying it out on everything! Jaw pain, back aches, muscle spasms, you name it and we probably tried it! And it WORKED!
This balm was actually my very first one I ever made and it worked so well I couldn't help myself. That's why I now have so many products for so many different ailments.
I have always been fascinated with the healers from times in history like the medieval era; perhaps the Vikings, Egyptians and the Romans as well.
Essential Oils have been working their magic to heal and repair for literally thousands of years. Its an art really, to understand the plants and the power that they hold.
Although I may not work with the plants in their natural states (even thought I would really love to) I do my own kind of magic to create and conquer things that people struggle with.
Now that you know why it was created let us move on to what is in it and what each plant does:
Wintergreen Oil (Gaultheria Procumbens), Blue Tansy Oil (Tanacetum annuum L.) Helichrysum Oil (Helichrysum splendidum), Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), Organic Black Pepper Oil (Piper nigrum), Organic Marjoram Oil (Thymus mastichina), Comfrey Herbal Oil, Arnica Butter
The active ingredient in wintergreen oil, methyl salicylate, is closely related to aspirin and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Products containing wintergreen oil are often used as an anti-inflammatory and topical pain reliever.
One 2010 study in adults with muscle strain found that application of a skin patch containing methyl salicylate and menthol provided a significant amount of pain relief compared to the placebo patch.
One 2010 study in adults with muscle strain found that application of a skin patch containing methyl salicylate and menthol provided a significant amount of pain relief compared to the placebo patch.
Blue Tansy:
Blue Tansy essential oil can be used to reduce inflammation and ease the pain of sore muscles and joints. Whether you suffer from the chronic joint pain of arthritis, or your muscles are aching because of a hard work out this oil has you covered!
Also referred to as “Immortelle” or “Everlasting,” helichrysum is frequently used in facial care products for mature and aging skin, as well as for blemished skin or skin with tissue damage. Not only is it extremely versatile–being useful for a number of different skin types–it’s also gentle and effective.
It is fantastic for bruises, sprains, and strains. While it contains anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it also contains anti-haematomal properties as well.
It is well-suited for pain that’s associated with bruises or muscle, joint, or tissue injuries
Many people use it to relieve irritation, itching, and pain. As an ingredient in different products, it can also help ease inflammatory conditions
It is a common ingredient in pain relief medications, including topical analgesics. It may help treat muscle aches and pains, while stimulating circulation, by interacting with receptors on the sensory nerves.
Camphor oil can also help reduce chronic muscle and joint pain over longer periods. One study for example, showed that camphor oil helped relieve lower back pain.
With dual hot and cold action, camphor oil numbs and cools nerve endings, then warms the painful area as it increases circulation to stiff joints and muscles.
Camphor may help treat headaches, including migraine headaches. Those that contribute to a calming atmosphere may also promote sleep.
A study in mice investigated the effect of Cinnamomum camphora on migraine. It found that the essential oil could suppress pain-signaling pathways and weaken neurogenic inflammation.
It is fantastic for bruises, sprains, and strains. While it contains anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it also contains anti-haematomal properties as well.
It is well-suited for pain that’s associated with bruises or muscle, joint, or tissue injuries
Camphor oil has a variety of uses. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is often an ingredient in vapor rubs, liniments, and balms (like the infamous Tiger balm)Many people use it to relieve irritation, itching, and pain. As an ingredient in different products, it can also help ease inflammatory conditions
It is a common ingredient in pain relief medications, including topical analgesics. It may help treat muscle aches and pains, while stimulating circulation, by interacting with receptors on the sensory nerves.
Camphor oil can also help reduce chronic muscle and joint pain over longer periods. One study for example, showed that camphor oil helped relieve lower back pain.
With dual hot and cold action, camphor oil numbs and cools nerve endings, then warms the painful area as it increases circulation to stiff joints and muscles.
Camphor may help treat headaches, including migraine headaches. Those that contribute to a calming atmosphere may also promote sleep.
A study in mice investigated the effect of Cinnamomum camphora on migraine. It found that the essential oil could suppress pain-signaling pathways and weaken neurogenic inflammation.
Black Pepper:
Because of its warming, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, black pepper oil works to reduce muscle injuries, tendonitis, and symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.Marjoram:
Marjoram essential oil was used in traditional medicine to treat sprains, swelling, stiffness, and spasms. That’s because marjoram has wonderful analgesic, antibacterial, and antispasmodic properties. You can use a pure marjoram essential oil for reducing joint and muscle painComfrey:
The root and leaves of the comfrey plant have been used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world. In Japan, the plant has been harvested and used as a traditional treatment for over 2,000 years. It was originally called “knitbone” and people used it to treat things like muscle sprains, bruises, burns, & joint inflammation
The roots of leaves of the comfrey plant contain chemical substances called allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin boosts the growth of new skin cells, while rosmarinic acid helps relieve pain and inflammation.
Applied to the skin in the form of an oil, cream, ointment, liniment or salve, arnica has been used for medicinal purposed since the 1500s. It contains helenalin, a potent anti-inflammatory.Its ability to reduce pain for all kinds of bruises, aches, sprains and even arthritis flare-ups. Arnica oil can also be used to relieve areas of stiffness resulting from flying or long-distance driving.
A study out of Northwestern University’s Department of Dermatology found that topical application of arnica was more effective at reducing bruises than low-concentration vitamin K formulations.
Arnica has been shown in studies to be effective against osteoarthritis. A 2007 study published in Rheumatology International found that topical arnica was as effective as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-like ibuprofen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands.
Arnica was also found to be an effective topical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. A study out of Switzerland evaluating the safety and efficacy of topical arnica had both men and women apply arnica twice daily for six weeks. The study found that the arnica was a safe, well-tolerated and effective treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee.
Arnica oil is an excellent natural remedy for carpal tunnel. It helps with the pain associated with carpal tunnel and ideally can help sufferers to avoid surgery. However, for people who decide to have surgery, studies have shown that arnica can relieve pain after carpal tunnel release surgery.
In a double-blind, randomized comparison of arnica administration versus placebo post-surgery in patients between 1998 and 2002, the participants in the group treated with arnica had a significant reduction in pain after two weeks.
It is a potent remedy for various inflammatory and exercise-related injuries. The positive effects of topically applying arnica have proven to be effective in reducing pain, indicators of inflammation and muscle damage, which in turn can improve athletic performance. Study participants who used arnica had less pain and muscle tenderness 72 hours after intense exercise, according to the results published in the European Journal of Sport Science.
Arnica has been used in traditional medicine for everything from hematomas, contusions, sprains and rheumatic diseases to superficial inflammations of the skin.
In addition, the thymol found in arnica has been found to be an effective vasodilator of subcutaneous blood capillaries, which helps facilitate the transport of blood and other fluid accumulations and acts as an anti-inflammatory to aid normal healing processes. Arnica also stimulates the flow of white blood cells, which process congested blood to help disperse trapped fluid from the muscles, joints and bruised tissue.
So are you starting to understand why this balm is my best seller? This has taken on (with high success I might add) general pains like headaches and back aches to ear infections, jaw pain, muscle tears, spasms, bruises, post surgeries, and even fractures.
I have seen and heard so many stories of what people used it for and how quickly they watched their bodies heal.
This balm is the NEW kind of pain management. One that doesn't just take away the pain for amounts of time but will actually aid your body in repairing itself! This has become a favorite post surgeries!
And one of the best parts about this little jar is it is toxin free. Just plants that I mixed up just for you or anyone you might know who needs some pain relief.
A little back story from me is I have scoliosis, I have had back pain since I was 16 years old. I've sprained my ankle a few times (who hasn't? haha) I have broken my pelvis 6 times (4 of them at once), I have broken my neck and bruised ribs. I have had a punctured lung. I have had 3 cesareans to bring my sweet babies earth side.
I know what pain is, I have experienced it in many different ways and I understand what it's like to feel trapped and just want even a moment of peace.
That my friends is why I am here. It's why I made this. So I can (hopefully) give someone that moment of peace that they desire so they can keep on living another day. (and if you are one of the 5% of people it does not work for I have two other pain balms that are totally different! 😊)
I hope that you enjoyed learning about some of my favorite plants. The Comfrey was actually added more recently. Once I learned about it I had to put it in this balm, it was calling to me! "Knit-Bone" is now a shining star that people get to learn about. 😉
If you are still tuned into this post (which I know it a bit long) then thank you so much for reading!
If you want to purchase the pain balm you can find it here:
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